Thursday, August 6, 2015

Dynamics AX excel data import

I found very nice precise blog about excel imports for customer, vendors, transactions, GL products etc:

Happy Daxing !!!


Saturday, May 30, 2015

DMF Error on import the data into staging table: Exception from HRESULT: 0xC0048021 at Microsoft.Dynamics.AX.Framework.Tools.DMF.SSISHelper.DMFEntity.ShowPreview(Boolean isComposite)

I have been trying to import data from an Excel file using Data Import Export Framework. The mapping and validation works but when I try to import the data into staging table – I get the below error:

Exception from HRESULT: 0xC0048021  at Microsoft.Dynamics.AX.Framework.Tools.DMF.SSISHelper.DMFEntity.ShowPreview(Boolean isComposite)  at Microsoft.Dynamics.AX.Framework.Tools.DMF.SSISHelperService.Service.ServiceHelper.ShowPreview(DMFEntity entity)

Exception from HRESULT: 0xC0048021
at Microsoft.Dynamics.AX.Framework.Tools.DMF.SSISHelper.DMFEntity.ShowPreview(Boolean isComposite)
at Microsoft.Dynamics.AX.Framework.Tools.DMF.SSISHelperService.Service.ServiceHelper.ShowPreview(DMFEntity entity)


The problem is caused by the DMConfig XML file.
Go to the DMConfig.xml file in the “C:\Program Files\Microsoft Dynamics AX\60\DataImportExportFramework” folder and replace the PipelineComponentInfo_Multicast, PipelineComponentInfo_ExcelSource and   nodes by the following:


Happy Daxing !!!!

Thursday, March 19, 2015

CompanyInfo VatNum or any other field Unretrieved issue

Recently I came across one strange issue related to Service Order > Worker description report, I got exception every time when I run this report, after doing some investigation I found that the VatNum field is used in DP class but when i open CompanyInfo table from AOT, I got 'Unretrieved' values of this VatNum for all rows. VatNum basically a string field and it should be either BLANK or having some values. After trying so many trick from google (restart AOS, refresh cache) i still got the 'Unretrieved' issue. I than decided to set this field explicitly from backend DB, in Dynamics AX 2012 R2 databases, it appears that the CompanyInfo table (for example) exists in the AOT but not in the actual SQL database. The columns & data that are supposedly contained in CompanyInfo (according to the AOT) are actually found in the DirPartyTable. This is in contrast to AX 2012 databases. So after manually delete 'NULL' value from VATNum on DirPartyTable to BLANK i than able to run the report successfully. So TWO key point here are :
  • To overcome the 'Unretrieved' issue you can directly replace column value from NULL to BLANK.
  • You can find CompanyInfo table in AOT but not from SQL DB, use DirPartyTable instead to fix your desired 'Unretrieved' field issue.

Happy DAXing !!!!