The following code sample shows how to use X++ code to create a query that contains three ranges. In the code sample, only one specified range can be changed by the end user. In the code sample, the following conditions are true:
• The first range is not shown.
• The second range is shown but cannot be edited.
• The third range can obtain the input from the end user.
static void QueryStatusTest(Args _args)
Query q;
Queryrun qr;
QueryBuildRange qbr,qbr1,qbr2;
QueryBuildDataSource qbds;
VendTable vt;
// Create an instance of the query class and then provide a name of "Vendors."
q = new query("Vendors");
// Create a data source that connects to the VendTable table.
qbds = q.addDataSource(tablenum(VendTable));
// Use three different field names to create three ranges.
qbr = qbds.addRange(fieldnum(VendTable,AccountNum));
qbr1 = qbds.addRange(fieldnum(VendTable,Blocked));
qbr2 = qbds.addRange(fieldnum(VendTable,Name));
// Set the values for the three ranges.
qbr1.value(strfmt('(%1 == %2)',fieldstr(VendTable,Blocked),any2int(CustVendorBlocked::No)));
qbr2.value('Office World');
// Set the status of each range.
// Create an instance of the QueryRun class.
qr = new QueryRun(q);
// Verify that the QueryRun form is active, and then parse the tablenum value through the VendTable table.
If (qr.prompt())
while (
vt = qr.get(tablenum(VendTable));
print vt;
// Show the SQL statement that is produced by the query.
info (qr.query().dataSourceNo(1).toString());
Note: The status method provides the function for each range.
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