Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Using while select firstonly to avoid validations in Dynamics Ax

When you execute a select statement to retrieve a single record most of us right the query first. This is followed by a validation to ensure that the query has returned a record. we make it simpler If we right it the way mentioned below

static void WhileSelectInsteadoFSelect(Args _args)
    CustTable custTable;

    //-----General way---------
    // fetch the record first
    select firstonly forupdate custTable;

    //add an additional validation
    if (custTable.RecId)
         custTable.Memo = 'updated value';

    //prevents the extra 'if' check
    while select firstonly forupdate custTable
        custTable.Memo = 'updated value';

    //can also be used for simple readonly
    while select firstonly custTable

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